Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Each act of mercy can help turn around someone's life

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Yeah, Christmas 2008 is now past but I couldn't help but post this one, belated as it may be, the purpose is perpetual.  Very inspiring 14 year old.

Madison Lindstrom, Calgary Herald, Published: Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Many of you have heard my personal rags-to-riches story and, for those who haven't, I would love to share it with you from my heart. At the age of four, a series of circumstances led to

my mom and I living on the streets of Calgary. It was a very valuable learning experience because it has brought me to the place I am at today, at 14 years old.

My first-hand experience touched me in a way I will not forget. I have taken the lessons and turned them into something positive, and that is giving back to those who require a hand up, like I did at one point.

About two years ago, I became an activist for youth. My goal is to support the many Canadian charities that assist youth who are homeless, living in poverty or experiencing domestic violence. My personal philanthropy project is Project Rags To Riches Network Inc., which supports a variety of charities involving children, such as Inn from the Cold.

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Also, I want people to know the circumstances they face are not always forever. For example, I have achieved many goals since the age of four--international actor, model and dancer.

The lesson of giving and receiving is an important one in life to learn. Giving is so much fun, and I am ex-cited with every opportunity I have to help someone in need.

It is one of the greatest feelings in the world to see the joy on someone's face when you have made a difference in their life, whether it is large or small.

Trust me, you will never be the same again, and you just want to keep on doing it, unconditionally.

The practical side is that you have made a positive difference and may have given them the hope to keep on going instead of giving up, because it shows you truly care. I know it did for me. Recently I expanded my philanthropy work when I became a Canadian Founding Arc Angel with Humanity Unites Brilliance (HUB). I will be going to Liberia with the group in April to see what can be done to improve the lives of women and children there. My mantra is "go big or go home."

I will continue to live by this for the rest of my life. Had our family not received the blessings from people who loved and cared about us unconditionally, who knows where I would be right now?

Christmas is one of my favourite times of the year. It is not about the gifts, it's about the love, compassion and care shown for each other. I know there were many Christmases when I didn't know if I would have one. But God is always faithful, sending angels to make every Christmastime very special. I loved the gifts I received; however, my most cherished memories are of being invited to someone's home to share in their celebrations.

This is my thank you to all who helped us years ago, especially John Robson, who started Inn from the Cold.

He shared his vision with us for low-income housing in Calgary. All of you who helped us then continually give me inspiration as I do not forget where I came from.

My invitation to all Calgarians is this, please open your hearts to those who require a hand up. It is not the quantity that you give, it is the quality. Remember, my past circumstances can happen to anyone, at anytime, so none of us are exempt from experiencing this. The bright side is, look how the angels who cared for me touched my life; it does make a difference for life.

Be the angel to someone else not just at Christmas, but throughout the year.

More information on Madison Lindstrom's Philanthropy projects can be found at and


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